Taylorville Food Service is hiring!
Congratulations to Grace Rogers our TJHS Illinois Principal's Association representative for 22-23.
Grace has a positive attitude towards everything she does, from education to athletics. Grace always strives to do her best and encourages others to do the same. Grace continues to challenge herself and works at improving based on what her coaches, teachers, and team asks of her. If you can only have one person on your team, Grace Rogers is who you want.
Grace is a leader in academics, community service, and athletics. She uses her positive attitude and energy as a tool to lift up her peers.
The Red Sneakers for Oakley fundraiser at TJHS will be extended through the rest of the week. Students are encouraged to wear red each day. Students will be given a ticket for each dollar donated for a chance to win a red pair of sneakers!
Also, there will be a bake sale after school Thursday and Friday to raise money for the Taylorville Food Pantry. All items are $1.
School Librarian Recognition--The date was slated for April 4 for recognition, but we are grateful everyday for the service of Mrs. Suzanne Southworth in the TJHS Media Center. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to serve our students and staff!
Tomorrow (April 12) Student Council will be collecting donations for the Red Sneakers for Oakley Foundation. Bring $1 and wear anything red to participate and help us raise money and awareness for food allergies. StuCo members will be in the main hallway to collect your donation.
Tornado apparel order - extended deadline. Order today!
TJHS--Under Water Robotics Program Info/Update--Taylorville Junior High students recently competed in a regional SeaPerch competition
in Bloomington. SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips
students, educators, and parents with the resources they need to build an underwater
remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in an in- or out-of-school setting.
Starting in early December, TJHS students started engineering and building their robots
for competition.
The process is challenging. Students spent time working on building their mother
boards, wiring and water proofing motors, and checking electrical output into the
motors. The greatest task was making the ROVs buoyant and balanced in the water.
Once the ROVS were ready the students started collecting data on how well the ROVs
completed the tasks.
Testing the ROVs and working on buoyancy was made possible with the help of
Taylorville Feed and the YMCA. Taylorville Feed let us borrow a livestock tank big deep
enough to run some trials in the classroom. At the YMCA pool, our students were able
to fine tune the ROVs for the competition.
23 schools competed. TJHS was the only junior high school, the other schools were
high schools from all over the state. flSome of the high schools included Glenwood,
Seneca, Minooka, Normal Community, Collinsville, Evanston, and IVC out of Peoria. In
the morning rounds one of our teams advanced to the brackets. The top two teams
were vying for a chance to compete at the national competition at the Naval Academy in
The Tornado Torpedos team ended up with 5th place, just missing the championship
round. The eventual champion ended up being IVC. IVC beat our team 7-6. The match
with IVC was an exciting battle.
The two teams that went to the competition:
Sponsor: Pamela DeWerff
Lucky Ducks: Elsie Williamson, Molly Smith, Kavya Patel, and Cole Franklin.
Tornado Torpedoes: Deacon Shanks, Luke Short, Griffin Craggs, and Grayson Craggs
Goofy Goobers: Weighong Len Chen, Jameson Jones, Ian Stromberg, and Isaac Orr
Today is School Librarian Appreciation Day. We celebrate those that serve this role in our district. Thank you for all that you do for the staff and students of TCUSD3!
Kim Porter & Suzanne Childers, THS
Suzanne Southworth, TJHS
Karen Mahan, Memorial
Christy Rahar, North
The TJHS track team wore orange ribbons in honor of Sam Hackler this evening. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Our cafeteria is hiring!
Today is a regularly scheduled school day.
Today's weather update from EMA: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm minor storm activity, after 5:00 pm and through the night there is a greater possiblity of stronger storm activity. If conditions change, we will adapt and alert.
Two groups representing TCUSD3 attended the Rochester STEM Fair last evening. Suzanne Specha took 3 students from North Elementary School and shared augmented reality projects and iPad apps. TommyTV students, Neil Hohenstein, and Adam Vocks demonstrated livestreaming and showcased the Best of TommyTV. A HUGE THANK YOU to both of these groups for proudly representing our school at the STEM Fair!
Taylorville Youth Cheerleading
Grades K-8
Mr. Dan Nieves and Mr. Parker Dobson (8) are showing off the sharp threads on "Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher Day" at TJHS. Great to see the smiles in the 8th grade hallway each and every day!
Attention Parents: Preschool screening is open for the 23-24 school year. Call Central School at (217) 824-5050 to sign up.
Taylorville Junior High Booster Club Fundraiser 2023--Tornado apparel my be ordered through Sunday, April 9.
From Mrs. Ninmer:
I’m so proud of the talented (and goofy) TJHS students that I get to work with every day! These Choir and Band students rocked it at the IESA State Solo and Ensemble Contest on March 25. They ALL received Superior ratings, and we brought home 41 First place medals! These kids represent the future of the performing arts in our Taylorville community!
TJHS Builder's Club Taylorville Pantry Food Drive Info--The Builder's Club is conducting a food drive all week. Our last drive before Christmas netted over 1000 items and our goal this week is 1500 items to the food pantry. We accept donations in the morning and the end of the day Advisory that contributes the most items will receive a PIZZA PARTY on Friday, April 14.
Thank you in advance for your assistance to our local community!
Thank you to the Taylorville Public Schools Foundation for supporting STEM at TJHS! Mrs. Wagner's grant request for eight SwiftSW380T Research grade compound microscopes has been approved and our students are the beneficiaries!! We are grateful for the partnerships that move the needle in our ability to procure the best possible equipment for our future community of leaders in the sciences field.
Mrs. Foil’s 7th grade Geography class is studying North America. Students worked with a partner on a Venn Diagram to study the history of The United States and Canada.