Celebrating two quarters of perfect attendance at TJHS! Our students are enjoying an attendance incentive breakfast with their peers courtesy of Aramark. Thank you for supporting our school-wide goals and a big thank you to our Dean of Students, Mrs. Rebecca West for coordinating these efforts.
Attendance matters!!!

TJHS students and staff are grateful for Delta Dental of Illinois and the H2OontheGo program delivering free water refill stations to school grant winners, as well as water bottles and toothbrushes for all of our students.

From the desk of Mr. Bruder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yiai0kTHTE8YxHfewCoKjPq3gY5r_IKL/view?usp=share_link

Please see updated prices from Aramark for a la carte items.

The TJHS Builder's Club food drive was a huge success. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer Richardson's 1st hour class for collecting the most items. Altogether, TJHS students contributed over 1000 items to the Taylorville Food Pantry.

The 7th graders created zero waste holiday decorations in science.

Christmas is coming. Great job by our choir and band on their performances. Well done!

TJHS Builder's Club--Food Drive for Taylorville Food Pantry
Dec 12-Dec 19
The 1st hour class with the most donated itmes wins a breakfast party on Tuesday, Dec 20.

Enjoy this short clip of the TJHS 7th and 8th grade band as they marched in the Twilight Parade. The video is courtesy of Mr. Ron Ninmer.

Taylorville Junior High School's 7th and 8th grade band students performed during Saturday’s Twilight Christmas Parade. The students added lights to their instruments, around their necks, and around Mrs. Ninmer's “conducting arms." They performed “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow.”
Mrs. Ninmer commented that this was the 7th and 8th grade students' first parade and they sounded terrific!

TJHS--Picture Retake Day--Monday, Dec 5

Congratulations to our TJHS Lady Tornado 8th grade Regional Champions! Thank you Gold Rush and thank you to our TJHS community for your great support!!

Mrs. Jennifer Wise, Mrs. Tammy Reindl, and Mrs. Jessica Miller representing TJHS at the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Conference.

Brad Hurtig--"Find a Way" Assembly
Brad shared how losing both of his hands in an industrial accident changed the way he views life and that when challenges inevitably occur, you have a choice to make. One can choose to be defined by them, or overcome adversity and adapt. Great message for our TJHS kiddos!!!

Fannie May Candy Sales Info

These TJHS students recently competed in and won Mr. Brown's 6th grade math maze challenge. Congratulations!

Happy Friday from the office staff at TJHS!

Happy Friday from the office staff at TJHS!

If you are picking up Fannie May candy tomorrow, 11/18/22, at TJHS, you must come at your assigned time. This is due to the volume of pickups. If you can not pick it up at your assigned time, the candy can be picked up in the office at the end of the day or Monday. Please stay in your car; our student council representative will deliver the candy directly to you. Thank you for supporting TJHS.

Mrs. Laker’s students are pictured. Their class spent the day at Rock Springs on a field trip.